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Protectapeel Cost Comparison
Protective film and protective board are considered the cheaper options for surface protection. But is this really the case?
We decided to look into this theory, we compared the cost of protecting 5,000m² of glass with protective film, protective board and Protectapeel. We have been objective, and had the calculations independently reviewed by experts in the industry.
Reduce Labour Time
Protectapeel is FIVE times quicker per m² to apply than board.
Protectapeel is TWICE as quick
per m² to apply than film.
Reduce Damage Costs
Protectapeel protects surfaces for up to 12 months internally and externally with no adhesion loss. Using Protectapeel saves damage costs of £62k over film!
Overall Savings
Overall (labour + material),
40% saving over board*
73% saving over film*
*Based on protecting 5,000m² internally
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