Here at Spraylat International Ltd, we are extremely proud of our Protectapeel coatings and how they can protect from a range of damage such as;
Dust, Dirt & Debris
Earlier in the year, a customer enquired about our peelable coatings and whether they would be able to protect metal sheets from weld spatter. The welding process often produces weld spatter, which has a temperature that ranges between 3000°C - 20,000°C. Weld spatter consists of molten metal droplets that scatter during the welding process. These droplets can stick to the base material or surrounding material, which looks bad and requires a lot of time to grind them away.
Our in-house lab technicians were straight on the case testing our protective coatings against weld spatter, the results were fantastic. Protectapeel Original and 1090 Top Coat formed a skintight protective layer, which "caught" the weld spatter and completely defended the metal sheets.
Watch our latest video to see the amazing results!