Food banks across the UK provided more than 2.1 million food parcels to people struggling in the food crisis between April 2021 - March 2022.
The Corby Food Bank is part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
In 2021, The Corby Food Bank supplied 2,626 emergency food supplies, a typical food parcel contains;
• Breakfast cereals
• Soup
• Pasta
• Rice
• Pasta sauce
• Tinned beans
• Tinned meat
• Tinned vegetables
• Tinned fruit
• Tea or coffee
• Sugar
• Biscuits
• Snacks

In August, Spraylat donated 105.8kg of food to support The Corby Food Bank's amazing work. We also got to look behind the scenes at how the donations are sorted, organised and created into food parcels. It was a truly humbling moment, one our team will not forget.
If you would like to donate or if you are struggling with the food crisis;