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7,000m² of Superior Glass Protection At Repton Gardens

Protectapeel® glass protection coating has been used to protect the impressive Repton Gardens in Wembley.

Repton Gardens comprises of three buildings ranging from seven to twenty-one storeys in height. The project started in 2019 and once complete at the end of 2022 the buildings will include 396 flats and 4 commercial units for either retail, restaurants or drinking establishments.

Protectapeel® was easily applied by Graco 390 airless spray gun as a liquid directly to 7,000m² of internal glass, which will be protected for 12 months.

When speaking to the application team on-site, they remarked on how quick the protective coating was to apply in comparison to other protective films.

The coating will be removed in December, leaving the glass clean, damage free and ready for handover.


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